I’ll be the first to admit, I’m shamelessly guilty of purchasing items most people find useless. I have a collection of “as seen on tv” products. The question I ask myself after an infomercial is not whether I need it or not, but rather what color I must have.

The fact of the matter is, is that the world is becoming smarter and smarter day by day with increasingly smart gadgets with smart apps and its time to for you to jump on the bandwagon too. Here are a few items, you may find interesting:

The EyeRing: Helper For The Visually Impaired

Sure it’s lacking all fashion sensibility, but this ring has the ability to help the visually impaired identify objects and read text. It is a finger-worn device that allows you to point at an object, take a photo, and hear feedback through a wearable device about the object in focus. It’s also useful for small children as it can assist in learning how to read and identify objects. I don’t have any children, but imagine using this handy tool to solve all the “what’s that, what’s that, what’s that?” spoken by the inquisitive minds of toddlers everywhere.

Touch Screen Printer

This is the perfect companion to any smart gadget. The ability to print all your favorite memories is now at your fingertips, literally. This is the perfect necessity for any scrapbooker or  craftsman. Let’s grab some modge podge and get started on our next project!

Grapefruit Pink Dot for iPhone 4/4S

This device enables you to shoot a 360 degree panorama (photo or video) and share directly to Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks. Cancel the school panoramic photographer, this baby has got you covered. It’s also great for family reunions, little league and social gatherings.